The Twenty-Third Psalm for Caregivers
The Twenty Third Psalm for Caregivers offers a new perspective on this familiar psalm, and after reading the book, caregivers will have renewed hope that the Shepherd will provide for their families in every way. The only promise the book makes is that God will be with them in their caregiving, journey. And that's a powerful promise.

NIV Encouragement Bible
The NIV Encouragement Bible is the answer for those who are hurting.

The 36-Hour Day
A Family Guide to Caring for Persons With Alzheimer Disease, Related Dementing Illnesses, and Memory Loss in Later Life

Caring for Aging Loved Ones
This comprehensive guide features up to-date information on finding quality medical, professional, and church-based support; coping with Alzheimer's Disease; avoiding burnout; choosing appropriate living arrangements; assisting with estate planning; and more.

The Gifts of Caregiving: Stories of Hardship, Hope, and Healing |

The Fearless Caregiver: How to Get the Best Care for Your Loved One and Still Have a Life of Your Own
This is a practical guide from the experts at Today’s Caregiver magazine.

Spiritual Care: A Guide for Caregivers
Not written strictly for health care professionals, but for anyone involved in reaching out as Christian caregivers to family members, friends or neighbors.

Caring For Your Wife in Sickness & in Health
Sharing insights on special medical problems women face, Dr. Dominguez offers practical advice on caring for the woman you love.

Strength for the Journey
Daily encouragement for caregivers.

Changing Places: A Christian's Guide to Caring for Aging Parents
This book includes resources for: organizing the care-giving process; selecting an appropriate housing option; untangling legal and financial issues; coping with the emotional challenges; finding help in the community; and nurturing your spiritual walk in the midst of difficult times. It includes forms, checklists, and how-to's for caring for your loved ones.

And Thou Shalt Honor: The Caregiver's Companion
If you're a caregiver, or you expect to become one, this book offers help and hope. Page after page of useful advice draws on the expertise of the nation's top caregiving researchers and advocates, as well as the real-world wisdom of caregivers just like you.

Quiet Moments for Caregivers and Their Families
Quiet Moments for Caregivers and Their Families offers encouragement, hope, and comfort to anyone involved in caring for an elderly loved one. Includes worship ideas for caregivers and care receivers to use together.

My Turn to Care-Encouragement for Caregivers of Aging Parents
A wonderful source of support and encouragement for caregivers of aging parents through all stages of the caregiving journey. From when you first begin to realize that you mom or dad are growing older through the day when you need to release them into God's hands, this book will help you to know that you are not alone.

The Art of Helping
The Art of Helping, a wonderful resource every church, care group leader, and individual would benefit from reading. Briggs addresses 30 of the most common life challenges that we (or the people around us) may face, and it "is a book you'll want to read before you need it -- so that you will have ideas of what you can do and how you can respond -- when you first hear the news.

When Someone You love Has Alzheimer's
This small book offers spiritual hope for those who are caring for someone with Alzheimer's.

Simple Gift of Comfort
There are times when we don't know what to say when someone has gone through a difficult time. A Simple Gift of Comfort: Healing Words for Difficult Times is a beautiful gift of comfort and hope for the hurting.

Getting Over the Blues: A Woman's Guide to Fighting Depression
Getting Over the Blues will help you understand the symptoms of depression, what causes depression, and what steps you can take not only to get better but to grow stronger.

God of All Comfort
This book is based on the author's experience living with chronic illness as well as that of seventeen other people who share their stories within the pages of this book. Illnesses include a variety of autoimmune system disorders, cancer, and Lou Gehrig's Disease, as well as several other chronic and serious illnesses. The book strives to help readers recognize themselves in their struggles and feel less alone in their pain.