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In an often thankless and unending job, The Twenty Third Psalm for Caregivers is a welcome reminder that caregivers are not alone. The Shepherd sees, leads, and empowers them, and will restore their weary souls.
The Twenty Third Psalm for Caregivers offers a new perspective on this familiar psalm, and after reading the book, caregivers will have renewed hope that the Shepherd will provide for their families in every way. The only promise the book makes is that God will be with them in their caregiving, journey. And that's a powerful promise.

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The Twenty-Third Psalm for Those Who Grieve is the second book in the series for readers experiencing difficulties on their faith journey through life. Filled with personal stories about spouses, parents, children, and friends, this is a book to help the reader understand that, even in the unthinkable, the Lord is their Shepherd and they shall not want.
To lose someone who is loved is to alter a life forever. Whether it's from an extended or sudden illness, an infant death, a suicide, murder, or an accident, the uniqueness of someone who mattered enough to grieve over leaves a hole in the heart that is their exact shape. That hole can never be filled. Those who grieve never get over it, but, with the Shepherd's help they can get through it.

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In an often thankless and unending job, The Twenty Third Psalm for the Brokenhearted is a welcome reminder that the brokenhearted are not alone. The Shepherd sees, leads, and empowers them, and will restore their weary souls.
The Twenty Third Psalm for the Brokenhearted offers a new perspective on this familiar psalm, and after reading the book, the brokenhearted will have renewed hope that the Shepherd will provide for their families in every way. The only promise the book makes is that God will be with them in their journey. And that's a powerful promise.

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In an often thankless and unending job, The Twenty Third Psalm for the Single Parent is a welcome reminder that the single parents are not alone. The Shepherd sees, leads, and empowers them, and will restore their weary souls.
The Twenty Third Psalm for the Single Parent offers a new perspective on this familiar psalm, and after reading the book, single parents will have renewed hope that the Shepherd will provide for their families in every way. The only promise the book makes is that God will be with them in their journey. And that's a powerful promise.