Many of my former students did not only want to learn how to listen, write and read using the English language, but they also want to be fluent when they talk. Well, there are actually many strategies one can use to learn English fluency. Check out this article:

English Fluency Strategy 1: Listen Listen & Listen! | Powerful English Lessons mentioned before about my review for Success With Stories Course by Lisa Biskup. And I told you that there are very powerful 7 strategies for English Fluency. You can improve your English speaking very fast using with these strategies. But it is important to use them after you learn.

The first strategy is one of the most important method for English speaking. That is to immerse yourself in the English language by listening. One of the most important things you can do to begin improving your English language skills today is to completely immerse yourself in the language. How do you do that?

Okay, how did you learn your first language, your mother tongue, as they say? When you were a little baby, you probably spent at least the first year of your life just listening. You listened to your parents speak to each other, to others, and to you. You probably heard the TV or the music while in the car. Just think about it, you spent the entire first year of your life listening to the sounds of your language, spoken by many different people. Via

Another useful article, which you can see below, talks about increasing the English vocabulary. I believe this can be truly of help to those who are reviewing for the IELTS test.

How to Increase Your English Vocabulary | English Fluency Now of the most common questions I get from students is, “How can I improve my vocabulary?”

Part of learning English is being able to understand a lot of words – word power. To speak fluently at a high level, you must also know how to use these words.

There are two basic theories when it comes to learning new words.

1. You can study and learn specific words, using word lists, memory techniques, flashcards, and such to learn as many words as possible.

2. You acquire new vocabulary more effectively and efficiently through self-selected reading and listening to stories read aloud.

Based on my own experience learning foreign languages, the results I have seen over the years teaching both children and adult English learners, and in reviewing the research, I believe that the latter method works the best. (This is why I also recommend you learn phrases and not individual vocabulary words in my “7 Strategies for English Fluency” course.

I’m thrilled to know about what you think. Please do not hesitate to send me a message if you have questions.

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Christian John

Christian John is a Physical Education teacher. However, he wanted to explore more aspects of is teaching career, and thus he ventured into teaching English.

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