<% dim objFSO, objFile, Confirm, FromName, FromAddress, Send, BccAddr, AddrTotal Dim ToAddress, BccName, BccAddress, Subject, BodyText, Body, AddrCount Const ForReading = 1 Send = 0 MailLimit = 80 TotalCount = 0 Server.ScriptTimeout = 9000 Confirm = "The Twenty Third Psalm movie link will be sent when you click on Send" FromAddress = "Carmen@TheTwentyThirdPsalm.com" FromName = "Carmen" ToName = "The Twenty Third Psalm" Subject = "Movie from The Twenty-Third Psalm.com" If Request.Form("submitted") = "true" Then Confirm = "Movie sent " Subject = trim(Request.Form("Subject")) BodyText = "

" If Request.Form("Comment") <> "" Then BodyText = BodyText & trim(Request.Form("Comment")) end if BodyText = BodyText & "

Comfort Food For Weary Souls -- Movie
" & VbCrLf _ & "http://TheTwentyThirdPsalm.com/Movie

" & VbCrLf _ & "

" & VbCrLf _ & "Experience the hope and comfort of the shepherd's psalm.
" & VbCrLf _ & "The best-known, most loved portion of the Bible is now an audiovisual devotional.
" & VbCrLf _ & "--
" & VbCrLf _ & "Carmen@TheTwentyThirdPsalm.com
" & VbCrLf _ & "The Twenty-Third Psalm Series: Comfort Food For Weary Souls

" & VbCrLf _ & "" AddrCount = 0 Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer") Mailer.ContentType = "text/html" Mailer.RemoteHost = "localhost" Mailer.FromName = FromName Mailer.FromAddress = FromAddress If Request.Form("to1") <> "" Then ToAddress = trim(Request.Form("to1")) AddrCount = AddrCount + 1 end if If Request.Form("to2") <> "" Then BccAddr = trim(Request.Form("to2")) Mailer.AddBcc "The Twenty Third Psalm Friend 1",BccAddr AddrCount = AddrCount + 1 end if If Request.Form("to3") <> "" Then BccAddr = trim(Request.Form("to3")) Mailer.AddBcc "The Twenty Third Psalm Friend 2",BccAddr AddrCount = AddrCount + 1 end if If Request.Form("to4") <> "" Then BccAddr = trim(Request.Form("to4")) Mailer.AddBcc "The Twenty Third Psalm Friend 3",BccAddr AddrCount = AddrCount + 1 end if If Request.Form("to5") <> "" Then BccAddr = trim(Request.Form("to5")) Mailer.AddBcc "The Twenty Third Psalm Friend 4",BccAddr AddrCount = AddrCount + 1 end if If Request.Form("to6") <> "" Then BccAddr = trim(Request.Form("to6")) Mailer.AddBcc "The Twenty Third Psalm Friend 5",BccAddr AddrCount = AddrCount + 1 end if If Request.Form("to7") <> "" Then BccAddr = trim(Request.Form("to7")) Mailer.AddBcc "The Twenty Third Psalm Friend 6",BccAddr AddrCount = AddrCount + 1 end if If Request.Form("to8") <> "" Then BccAddr = trim(Request.Form("to8")) Mailer.AddBcc "The Twenty Third Psalm Friend 7",BccAddr AddrCount = AddrCount + 1 end if If Request.Form("to9") <> "" Then BccAddr = trim(Request.Form("to9")) Mailer.AddBcc "The Twenty Third Psalm Friend 8",BccAddr AddrCount = AddrCount + 1 end if If Request.Form("to10") <> "" Then BccAddr = trim(Request.Form("to10")) Mailer.AddBcc "The Twenty Third Psalm Friend 9",BccAddr AddrCount = AddrCount + 1 end if If Request.Form("to11") <> "" Then BccAddr = trim(Request.Form("to11")) Mailer.AddBcc "The Twenty Third Psalm Friend 10",BccAddr AddrCount = AddrCount + 1 end if If AddrCount > 1 Then Confirm = Confirm & " to " & AddrCount & " people." end if Mailer.AddRecipient ToName, ToAddress Mailer.ReplyTo = ToAddress Mailer.Subject = Subject Mailer.BodyText = BodyText if not Mailer.SendMail then If Mailer.Response <> "" Then strError = "Error: " & Mailer.Response else strError = "Unknown" end if Confirm = "Movie NOT sent: " & strError & Confirm end if end if %> The Twenty-Third Psalm Movie


<%= Confirm %>

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The Twenty-Third Psalm  An audiovisual experiance
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